Phone: 804-668-2817

2460 County Dr Petersburg, VA 23803

Phone: 804-668-2817

2460 County Dr Petersburg, VA 23803


  • What are your school hours?

    Our regular school day is from 8:30am- 4:00pm. We also offer extended care from 7:00am to 5:30pm. This service is an additional flat rate charge of $100/m per family.

  • What ages do you accept?

    This Fall we are expanding to include preschoolers ages 3-4. We will continue with school aged children 5years old through 16 years old. 

  • Do you offer transportation?

    As of 2023, we do not offer transportation. However, this is something we are researching for upcoming years.

  • Do you have PE, Art, or Music?

    Yes! Our students participate in Physical Education, Art and Music weekly. We also offer interest classes in Spanish, typing, cooking, sewing and gardening.

  • Is this a homeschool coop?

    No, we are not a homeschool coop. Dream Tech Academy is a recognized private school in Hopewell, VA. We are small, so some would consider us a microschool. We like to think of ourselves as a private microschool.

  • Are students required to wear uniforms?

    As of August 2024, our school has implemented uniforms for our preschool-8th grade students. Uniform shirts are purchase through the school, and uniform bottoms can be purchased from a variety of stores, such as Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Children's Place.

  • What payment methods do you offer?

    Parents can pay by ACH withdrawal, credit or debit card, and money order. We also have a variety of payment plans.

  • What if we move, will my child be able to enroll in public school easily?

    Your student should be able to enroll in public school from Kindergarten to 8th grade without any issues. It is up to the school district when it comes to high school transfers. We prepare our high schoolers to enter college not to re-enter public school.

  • Is your school accredited?

    Accreditation only impacts high school credits. And for this reason, our high schoolers enroll in college courses as early as 10th grade and take the ACT test to make them competitive for college admissions. Accreditation does not impact K-8th grade. Students re-enrolling in a public K-8th grade schools are usually placed by age or through a placement test depending on the school.

  • Are you a traditional private school?

    We like to think of ourselves as a private microschool. "Private", because we are independently operated, and "microschool" because we are small, and our classes are mixed age. You will find elements of a traditional school, but we focused on small leveled classes that meet our students where they are. We are also big on creating an environment where our kids feel like we are family.

  • What curriculum do you use?

    We do not use one specific curriculum. However we do incorporate Rime Magic, Heggerty, Secret Stories and Ready Math and Reading to name a few. All of our curricula are backed by teacher created resources to ensure we are providing a personalized approach to learning. 

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