Phone: 804-668-2817

2460 County Dr Petersburg, VA 23803

Phone: 804-668-2817

2460 County Dr Petersburg, VA 23803

Another Student Enrolled in College

Another Student Enrolled in College

Congratulations to Joshuah!

Joshuah, a Junior in our high school program has officially enrolled at Brightpoint Community College to complete courses for his Junior and Senior Year. I sat down with Josh after his first full month of taking college courses to get an update on how he's balancing his classes. Josh had this to say:

" I feel good about how things are going so far. At first, I thought classes would be super hard, but I think I was well prepared for this. Right now, I'm taking 13 credits, which is a little challenging but will be worth it in the end. I love that Dream Tech gave me this opportunity."-Josh

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